Fees are based on number of sessions attended per week:
1x a week : $50 for 4 sessions in a month
2x a week : $80 for 8 sessions in a month
3x a week : $110 for 12 sessions in a month
4x a week : $140 for 16 sessions in a month
5x a week : $170 for 20 sessions in a month
1) $20 registration fee for new students
2) Compulsory purchase of Aysar book ($25)
3) A refundable deposit of one month is required. Deposit will be returned upon one month notice of permanent withdrawal / used in-lieue of last month
4) There will be no class replacement for all public holidays and Eid holidays
$60 for 4 sessions in a month
1) $20 registration fee for new students
2) Compulsory purchase of Aysar book ($25)
3) A refundable deposit of one month is required. Deposit will be returned upon one month notice of permanent withdrawal / used in-lieue of last month
4) There will be no class replacement for all public holidays and Eid holidays